How does cosmetic acupuncture work?
Cosmetic acupuncture primarily works by promoting blood circulation and stimulating the muscles beneath the face to improve tone and conditioning.
Since blood flow is improved and facial muscles are stimulated, the elasticity of the skin is improved. As a result, it helps smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture may also reduce bags under the eye, firm the jowls, eliminate puffiness, lift droopy eyelids, and minimize double chins and smile lines, and reduce blemishes, chloasma and melasma.

Skin Elasticity



Double Chin
Health and Skin Analysis

As cosmetic acupuncture is an extension of traditional acupuncture, we perform a thorough analysis of your health condition by using traditional Chinese medicine method of approaches, before initiate an acupuncture session. The state of your internal organs will be checked as it is represented on your face. The harmony and balance of Yin and Yang, Qi, Blood and Body Fluids will be addressed to analyze your general health condition.
Other medical conditions such as diabetes, allergies or high blood pressure will also be checked. Then, specific skills of facial evaluation is applied . Skin type, color, damages to skin, locations of skin troubles as well as condition of hair are carefully examined.
Upon the result of health and facial analysis, a treatment plan is built and techniques to be used are decided.
Techniques and Herbal Remedies

Erc Ahn with Dr. Lucas
Different types of acupuncture techniques as well as a variety of Chinese medical treatments and herbal supplements are used. Various types of techniques may be combined together in order to increase therapeutic results. Some techniques commonly used for facial rejuvenation are:
- KSNS/KSS skin rejuvenation techniques
- Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture on acupuncture points based on syndrome differentiation
- Anatomical techniques that directly address wrinkles, fine lines and facial muscles
- Other specific techniques such as Mei Zen style, Dr. Song’s FACE style, Dr. Wu’s style, and many other styles
- Infrared therapy
Herbal powders such as ‘Pearl powder’ or ‘Apricot seed powder’ or ‘Honey and egg white mask’ can be suggested.
A herbal formula for oral intake may also be suggested to increase therapeutic effects or to address your underlying health conditions. For example, following formulas can be prescribed:
- Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang (Ginseng Decoction to Nourish Luxuriance) – a powerful formula to boost energy, nourish blood, improve circulation, and increase the production of collagen and elastin.
- Jia Wei Xiao Yao San (Augmented Rambling Powder) – a famous formula especially good for women’s health. It treats chloasma, melasma, warts, and freckles. This is for both inner and outer beauty.
- Da Bu Yin Wan (Great Tonify the Yin Pill) – provides moisture to the body tissues and improves skin quality by improving the production of collagen and elastin. This is specifically good for smokers and women in menopause with dull, dry thick skin and wrinkles.
- Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan (Seven-Treasure Special Pill for Beautiful Whiskers) – for premature graying of hair or hair loss, and dark circles. It moistens and tones facial skin by promoting the production of collagen and elastin.
Program details
A typical cosmetic acupuncture session usually takes 60 to 90 minutes. The duration may vary depending on your skin condition, techniques used, and number of needles inserted.
Initial consultation may need additional 30 minutes.
The needles are retained for about 30-45 minutes.
A course consists of 10-14 consecutive treatment sessions. It is recommended to have treatment once or twice a week (3 – 7 days apart) to see optimum results.
After completing a course of treatment, you can go into a “maintenance stage” , to prolong the effects. In this stage, you get the treatment once a month or once every season.
The effects of cosmetic acupuncture are cumulative and last up to 2-5 years after a course of 10 treatments, with maintenance. Follow-up maintenance treatments may be done once per month or once every season depending on the reaction of the patient.
Cosmetic acupuncture diminishes the fine lines already existing on the skin and aids with healthy looking skin.
Cosmetic acupuncture not only consists of facial rejuvenation but also overall rejuvenation. If a patient has other complaints such as digestive problem, stress, fatigue, insomnia, etc. these symptoms will be addressed as well.
The effects of treatment differ from person to person depending on age, skin condition, underlying health condition, etc.
In general, some changes are noticed within 3-6 treatments. If the treatment is combined with topical application with body work or massage therapy, the results can be seen faster.
Typically, best results are seen in patients before the age of 55. The best range of age is between 20 to 55 years old.
Cosmetic acupuncture is safe in general, but if you have below conditions, you are not recommended for this treatment.
- Pacemaker
- High blood pressure
- Former plastic surgery
- Hemophiliacs
- Easy bruise
- Diabetes
- Severe migraines
- Pregnancy
- Fever
- Acne with pus and swelling
- Acute herpes outbreaks
- HIV, cancer, etc.
- Anxiety or panic attacks
The cost is $125 per session.
- Please do not make up on the day of treatment (chemical cosmetics may cause infections)
- Eat some foods before treatment but avoid overeating
- Refrain from rigorous exercise for at least two hours before and after treatment
- No alcohol consumption
- If you are sensitive to alcohol, please let the practitioner know about it
- There could be hematoma or bruises during or after the treatment