Obstetrics & Gynecology
Menstrual Problems
A childbearing woman’s menstrual period usually occurs every 28 days. But menstrual cycles that range from 21 days to 35 days are regarded normal menstrual cycle. And most women have menstrual flow that last three to seven days. Normal menstruation means a menstruation that occurs every 21 days to 35 days with 3-7 days of flow without any discomfort or pain.
Many women have problems either in their regularity of menstrual cycle or the amount, state or condition of the menstrual flow. Many women also suffer from premenstrual symptoms (PMS) such as abdominal cramps, back pain, headaches, nausea, vomiting or other discomforts which may occur before or during periods.
Our goal at Vaughan Acupuncture & Wellness is to make our clients live with symptom-free menstrual periods, without any discomfort of pain during their menstrual periods. We also try to help our clients have their menstruation regular and normal.
Common conditions treated
Both primary (no occurrence of first period until age 16) and secondary amenorrhea (stoppage of menstruation for 6 months or 3 cycles in a row) are addressed.
Irregular Periods
Periods that don't occur every 28 days or within the range of 21 days to 35 days.
Early Periods
Menstruation that occurs earlier than 21 days.
Late Periods
Menstruation that occurs later than 35 days.
Painful periods with abdominal pain or other discomfort before, during or after menstruation.
Intermenstrual Bleeding
Bleeding between periods.
Periodic uterine bleeding during ovulation that is not necessarily occur every time during ovulation.
It is different from Early Periods or Flooding and Trickling.
Short Menstruation
Menstrual flow that is shorter than 3 days.
Prolonged Menstruation
Long periods with menstrual flow that lasts longer than 7 days.
Scanty Periods
The bleeding is very light or when the bleeding lasts fewer than 3 days, or is extremely scanty, like a small drip.
Heavy Periods
Periods that occur regularly and last about 5 days but are heavier than normal amount (>30-80ml).
Flooding and Trickling
Also called Metrorrhagia and Metrostaxis, or Beng Lou in Chinese.
Sudden, profuse, and often before the proper time, and a period that continues even after the proper period time.
It is differ from Heavy Periods which indicates just heavy flow during the proper period time, with the periods coming at regular intervals.
Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Emotional and physical symptoms occurring before or during a period. These may include;
- Depression
- Sadness
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Lethargy
- Loss of concentration
- Aggressiveness
- Changes in libido
- Changes in bowel habits
- Changes in appetite or food cravings
- Skin eruptions
- Crying
- Propensity to outbursts of anger
- Clumsiness
- Breast or abdominal distension
- Insomnia

Book an Appointment
You can fill out the consultation form online to save your time at the clinic and for more accurate analysis about your condition.
- Call +1 (905) 303-3011

Conditions Related to Pregnancy
Many conditions related to Pregnancy can be helped with our treatments
The fact that many conditions related to pregnancy can be relieved by acupuncture, herbal medicine, or massage therapy, is not well known to many pregnant women.
Conditions that are easily helped with our treatments are:
- Infertility
- Threatened or habitual miscarriage
- Fetus not growing
- Morning sickness (nausea and vomiting)
- Abdominal pain
- Edema
- Anxiety
- Dizziness
- Feeling of suffocation
- Retention of urine or other urinary problems
- Acute gastroenteritis
- Headaches
- Diarrhea and dysentery
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes (gestational diabetes)
- Breech presentation
Problems After Childbirth
After childbirth, some health problems can happen in the weeks and months afterward and many aren’t aware of the warning signs.
It is common to experience fatigue and discomfort, such as perineal pain and uterine contractions after childbirth. These are considered normal recovery process. However, you might now know the difference between a normal recovery and the symptoms of complications.
Since postpartum care is extremely important for a woman’s entire life, it can never be looked down. The mother gives birth to the baby, but at the same time, she gives birth to herself as well. If the mother is healthy, the entire family is healthy.
Here are some complications after childbirth that need immediate attention and treatment:
- Retention of lochia
- Lochiorrhea (excessive amount of lochia after more than three weeks of childbirth)
- Postpartum fever
- Depression
- Tiredness and exhaustion
- Abdominal pain
- Dizziness
- Convulsions
- Uterine prolapse
- Urinary difficulty
- Aphonia
- Low back pain
- Swelling and edema
- Hematuria (bloody urine)
- Spontaneous sweating and night sweats
- Constipation
- Agalactia (absence or failure of the secretion of breast milk)
- Insufficient breast milk or breast milk not flowing
- Spontaneous flow of breast milk
- Mastitis
- Cracked nipples
- Joint pain