KSNS Natural Acupressure Therapy
KSNS Acupressure - A Nobel Prize Nominated Natural Therapy
KSNS (Kim’s Safety Nervous System; Kim’s Schutz Nerven System in German) is a newly found function of the nervous system in human body, which is discovered by professor Sae-Yion Kim, who had treated patients in Cologne, Germany, with his unique method of natural manual treatment over the past 40 years. This is a nervous system that acts immediately and prior to any other nervous systems of the body, to safely protect the body from any harmful situations and heal by itself. This nervous system usually responds within 0.3 seconds to an external stimulus, to effectively protect the body. For example, if you encounter a slippery and icy road condition while you walk on a winter day, your body immediately slows down your steps and bodily movements, in order to maintain your balance and keep you safe from the icy road condition. This immediate change of body movement happens within 0.3 seconds and it has nothing to do with your brain, since it is not under the control of the brain. This is an example of the working mechanism of the KSNS nervous system. The KSNS nervous system is an automatic response of the nervous system as it doesn’t receive any conscious or intentional orders from the brain.
What is KSS?
KSS stands for Kim’s SBON and SDO, which is the practical application of KSNS natural treatment.
SBON is an assessment method performed in KSNS Natural Therapy. It looks similar to orthopedic tests but it is not just for musculoskeletal problems. It is designed to rule out the underlying cause of the problem, which is mainly located in the functions of the KSNS nervous system. The diseased muscle, nervous system, joints, or parts of the body are found through this SBON process.
According to the result of SBON analysis, SDO, the adjustment method (‘treatment’ in general term) is performed. During the SDO process, we usually use a tool in order to strongly stimulate certain nerve, muscle, sensory receptors of the toes and other parts of the body, or Golgi tendon organ. This is to restore damaged body functions. Most commonly used tool is a wooden stick. However, anything that can initiate and stimulate body’s function can be used, for example, a disposable lighter, handle of a toothbrush, a pen, or a spoon.
Since the body has its own function of healing itself when a problem occurs, we try to restore this original function of the body. Once the function of the body is restored, the body’s self-healing process works properly as the cause of disease is removed. This is the mechanism of KSNS natural healing process.
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The Founder

Professor Sae-Yion Kim (1946-2020), born in Seoul, Korea and lived in Cologne, Germany, discovered a new nervous system that works automatically in the body but not recognized and controlled by the brain. If there is a malfunctioning of certain muscles that are controlled by this nervous system, there will be various types of disorders such as arthralgia, pain, muscle aches, allergies, and even internal organ problems. He named this newly discovered nervous system “KSNS (Kim’s Safety and Protection Nervous System)”.
In order to make people understand this new nervous system and its practical application, he wrote a book which is available in German and Korean. His book that contains theory and practical methods of treatment have been submitted by the European Academy for Sciences and Arts to the Nobel Prize Committee for nomination.
The newly discovered nervous system was not easily explained and understood with current medical knowledge. So, he invented 24 new medical terms to make it easy to understand and explain it. In short, this new nervous system works 24/7 without interference of the brain. For example, you may roll over in your sleep. This action of the body is controlled by the “KSNS” as a protective movement of the body when there is too much compression to one side of the body during sleep. This rolling over movement is not ordered by the brain. It is done by the KSNS in order to avoid too much pressure going on one side of the body. Growth of the toenails and eyelashes is also controlled by the KSNS. When your hand accidently touches a hot burning stew, your body instantly retreats the hand to avoid burning. This is another example of the KSNS that protects our body from an emergency situation.
By nature, our body has its own function of healing itself. Unfortunately, however, this natural function of the body has been forgotten and many people just go for medications, injections, or operations without thinking deeply. In many cases, these interventions may damage or inhibit the self-healing function of the body, giving rise to deterioration of disease conditions. Professor Kim had tried for his life to stop or minimize the abuse and misuse of medical indulgence by practicing his unique treatment methods, SDO.
Modern lifestyle has been limiting the total amount of our daily physical activities and movements, compared to that of our ancestors who lived close to the natural environment. Nevertheless, it is not enough to explain why we suffer from so many diseases today. After a long period of study and field experience, professor Kim found that the biggest problem that we had today was the condition of the road.
In modern city life, the roads are paved and flat. Because of this condition, the activity of the feet is largely limited to simple up and down movements only; while they are originally designed to move all directions freely on various unpaved road conditions when walking. Besides, the toes are not able to move freely as they are trapped in a tight shoe. Tons of diseases are developed from this situation.
Another interesting thing that he found was the reaction speed of the nervous system. He found that the reaction speed of the nervous system depends on the speed of the movement of the toes. And this function of the nervous system is not controlled by the brain. When the toes have a good balance and are able to function properly, body movements is swift and the posture is stable. However, if this condition is compromised, there will be many problems.
There are so many different discoveries and treatment methods discovered by professor Kim that it is not possible to describe all of them on one page. More information will be released step by step later on.
Common Conditions improved by KSNS Therapy
Musculoskeletal Problems
Neck and shoulder pain
Tennis or golfer’s elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Muscle or tendon strain
Ligament sprain
Rotator cuff tendonitis
Frozen shoulder
Hip joint pain
SI joint pain
Degenerative disc disease
Ruptured or herniated disc, spinal stenosis
Knee pain (arthritis, meniscus, ligament, cartilage)
Baker’s cyst
Achilles tendinitis
Plantar fasciitis
Bunions (hallux valgus)
Flat foot (pes planus)
Varicose veins
Emotional Problems
Depression, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Nervousness
Anger management
Easily crying
Internal Medicine
Headaches and migraines
Asthma, Wheezing, Dyspnea or Shortness of Breath
Dizziness & vertigo, tinnitus
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Indigestion, nausea or vomiting
Restless leg syndrome
Tiredness and fatigue
Urinary problems (incontinence, frequent urination, dribbling, blockage, etc.)
Liver cirrhosis
Women’s problems related menstruation and fertility
Neuromuscular Problems
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Double vision
Trouble swallowing
Numbness, tingling or painful sensations
Breathing problems
Muscular dystrophy
Peripheral neuropathy
Spinal muscular atrophy
Bell’s Palsy
Digital neuritis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Ingrown toenails